

An electric circuit is a path carrying an electric current. When an electric current moves around the circuit it may transfer into devices, which will use it to power work, such as lights, or other devices.

Some circuits are very complex, however all circuits have three main components:

  1. A power source

  2. A conductor (something to carry the electricity)

  3. A device to use the electricity

All parts of the circuit must be connected for the circuit to work. If it is not closed the electricity can move wherever it likes, and the current will stop working.


Transistors are the basis of all digital computers. It uses the idea that you can use a separate electric current to switch on or off another electric current. In a computer there are millions of transistors all using the on and off function to control the computer.

The transistor works because of something called semiconducting material. A current flowing from the base to the emitter 'opens' the flow of current from the collector to the emitter. This turns it on.

Computer Components

    5 basic computer components are:
  1. The input unit- Where instructions and data enter the computer
  2. The output unit- Where and how instructions and data exits the computer
  3. The storage unit- Where data and instructions are kept
  4. A central process unit- This controls all the operations and follows the instructions of/for the computer
  5. An arithmetic and logical unit- Does what the central process unit tells it to do and makes the computer work

To learn more about these components click here.